Monday, December 2, 2013

The Best Ways to Be Successful In Business and Life - The Power of Intense Focus
The Best Ways to Be Successful In Business and Life - The Power of Intense Focus
If you're searching for the best ways to be successful, in business and in life, you can have all the answers, but without this one thing, you will fail in everything worth winning at.

"People think focus means saying "yes" to the thing you gotta focus on. That's not what it means at all. It means saying "no" to the other hundred good ideas that there are.".
-Steve Jobs.

A very long time back, in a mystical place called Cupertino, California, Steve Jobs created Apple, but was eventually fired from his own company, and was gone for about 10 years.

During his unwanted sabbatical, Apple was hemorrhaging money. In one year they lost $1 Billion (yes, with a B). When Apple was failing they were selling outrageous amounts of products. They had diverted from the foundations that made Apple wonderful with Jobs at the helm.

Eventually Steve Jobs regained his place as the CEO of Apple, and instantly made some severe changes to restore Apple to its former glory.

The things Jobs decided to do was toss out 70 % of the sales catalogue and turn the focus of the company to selling only 4 products: 2 desktop computers, and 2 laptops.

When this was done , he got some major criticisms for it, but the first year he was back he made the company $300 million in revenue.

Criticism tends to go away after that type of turnaround.

The moral of the story (and the best ways to be successful in general):.

Choose something, focus as if your life depends on it, shun all interruptions, and do the work that has to be done to get the outcome that you prefer. Nothing else matters.

In business, particularly those of us merely beginning who need cash right now, we tend to get hooked on searching for "the trick", the magic element that will show us the best ways to be successful in our business in 2.35 seconds or less, and fix all of our issues in one fell stroke.

I'm telling you right now, stop searching for this mystical, magical trick. It doesn't exist. If you truly would like to know the best ways to be successful with your business follow this one idea: Look for, and DO, what gets results, even if it looks like real, actual work.

The only real path for the best ways to be successful is to do only the activities that will get you what you want. Right here's the best ways to find out what you're doing will get you to where you want to go.

Focused Action Exercise.

For this example our preferred outcome is to make $15,000 a month in our business, so we can delight in some amazing drives worldwide, look after our loved ones, or whatever it is that you want to have that money for right now.

1. Grab a notepad.

2. Draw a line right down the middle. At the top headers write "income-producing activities" (like putting out ads, sharing a presentation with people, etc. then "non-income producing activities" such as blogging and personal development (stuff that doesn't earn money in and of itself, but is still crucial to what you have to get finished.).

3. Write down all of the actions that you took to accomplish your preferred outcome. Put each action in the right section.

4. Take a look at your list. You might possibly recognize that you may be "working" but not truly doing the actions needed to get the results we want.

5. Get sincere with yourself, find the real work that has to occur, no matter how far out of your comfort zone it initially takes you, and get to work. Prioritize by getting the most results-producing (and normally most uneasy) activities done first before anything non-income producing.

Doing this consistently isn't hot initially glimpse, but if you do this every day till you get what you want, it will produce hot returns in your business and your life.

Once again, those who know the best ways to be successful know the best ways to stay focused.

Make Today an Epic Adventure!

Roy Dunne.

Skype: roydunne.
Facebook Fan Page: roydunnefreedom

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